Friday, September 3, 2010

Only In My Dreams...

Only In My Dreams…

When I close my eyes…I can see the dust and smell the cattle
Hear those cowboys whistle and holla, wild horses out in front
Moving em all from one valley to another, sometimes a real battle
Mustangs running free, all the cows stay in a tight little bunch

Drifting off into dream land am I, as the cowboys heat up the trail
Cookie gets the  fire going, and slice’s up salt pork for the beans
The ramrod is chasing a stray calf, there’s always one…never fails…
Storm clouds are gathering…just beyond the Pine trees

When all have settled down,  hearing a cowboy sing off key
But the animals don’t care and the men are just too tired
A black lone wolf lays watching, from the distant tall weeds
The first in line for chow…was the last man that was hired

There was Tex coming up next, he was from New York I believe
Then there was Nevada…he was from California of all places…
And the lonely ole Lobo wolf…not did one man claim to see
Laying under the chuck wagon, he stared into the weary faces

Cookie knew he was there, although Again he would pretend
To be busy at work, never looking him in the eye
The cowboys did the same…and into their bedrolls they’d descend
All the scraps put in one place…so this ole Lobo would find

If trouble should show up, as a payback to them all…
This lonely black wolf would show himself, & howl out in the night
Over to the scraps…he would slowly begin to crawl…
From a distance they all loved him, he was a beautiful sight

The next morning came early, too early they all knew
The howl in the distance…meant trouble was on its way
This time it was outlaws, and each man knew what to do
The wolf vanished in the darkness, and in the shadows he’d stay

Until an outlaw grabbed Cookie, intending to kill him outright
From nowhere this wolf came, biting the owl hoot in the throat
The cowboys killed two, and wounded another this night
The ramrod lassoed one more, with his brand new rope…

When the shooting was all over, Cookie lay there on the ground
Trying to catch his breath…his face suddenly became wet
The men heard this whimper…disappearing were their frowns
As the wolf licked ole Cookie, he tried to reach out & pet

As he did the Lobo backed away, returning to the shadows once more
The fighting was all over, only one of the men was hurt & in pain
Cookie was okay, but the next day he was pretty sore…
They buried the dead outlaws, they were done just before the rain

Their job for now was over, and they headed back towards the ranch
Cookie left a big pile of food, for the Lobo behind
And he found his treat waiting, under a low hanging branch
Me… I was awakened from this dream only to find

My Rocky giving me kiss’s…& wanting to go outside
Only in my dreams…can such imagination come alive
And only could my Rocky, for a moment  fill me with such pride
He was letting me know that now…there was a stranger outside…

Written By: Little Wolf

Rocky is my dog, a half breed like me…he is half Lab & half Chow…solid black plus a few gray hairs (also like me).

Cowdoggy Pictures, Images and Photos

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